What are the symptoms of prostatitis in men - the first sign, treatment with drugs and massage

Medical statistics claim that most men on our planet know firsthand what prostatitis is. However, the disease is not always detected and treated quickly. If we talk about the age category of this disease, the symptoms of prostatitis can be diagnosed at the age of 18, but a long chronic disease with inflammation of the glands (prostate) is characteristic of elderly patients.

What is prostatitis in men

The name of this disease comes from the Latin "prostatitis", which literally translates as prostate gland and inflammation. Prostatitis in men is the common name for inflammation in the prostate, a complete picture of the causes of its appearance and developmental mechanisms that are not fully understood. The symptoms of prostate inflammation are not difficult to identify, but it should be borne in mind that in all patients the disease runs according to individual scenarios, it can develop without special symptoms, which do not seem to flow into the chronic form.

How prostatitis manifests itself in men

the main manifestation of prostatitis in men

Doctors divide the disease into different forms according to the symptoms and clinical picture of the patient. It can be acute, chronic, bacterial, calculus, congestive, infectious, purulent, and depending on this, prostatitis manifests itself in the form of various symptoms.

It can be diagnosed by a sudden onset of pain in the scrotum, with difficulty urinating, weak energy. If there is this disease, the nature of the sperm and the quality of ejaculation deteriorate. If at least one of the symptoms listed appears, you should see a doctor.

Signs of prostatitis

Symptoms can be diagnosed with general urine and blood tests. Research will help identify the culprit, and there may be several infections: for example, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, chlamydia, and even gonorrhea. Bacteria enter the area through blood vessels from the bladder or rectum and cause health problems. Non-bacterial forms of the disease cannot be detected by testing, however this is not an indication of the absence of bacteria. The consequences of both forms can be devastating.

Signs of prostatitis in men are divided into two phases - latent and active. The first phase has small symptoms, but already indicates the presence of the disease. The latent phase can last for years, and it is characterized by discomfort in the scrotum, sometimes in the head of the penis, anus. As a rule, men consider this to be moderate fatigue. As the pain becomes more intense, and bladder emptying begins to pose a major problem, this means that inflammation is progressing, and the disease has entered an active phase.

First sign

signs and symptoms of prostatitis in men

The disease has several stages of development. Initially, it can cause persistent urination, and in the toilet during this procedure, pain and burning may occur. Lower back, pelvic area and groin pain.

After knowing the first signs of prostatitis in men, you need to see an andrologist or urologist so as not to complicate the condition and take care of men's health.

Prostatitis Symptoms

The disease can be manifested in three main symptoms:

  • frequent push to the toilet;
  • sick;
  • weak or absent erections.

Symptoms of external prostatitis include urinary problems. Low urinary pressure, bladder emptying occurs with pain, and there may be a complete outflow of urine (in medicine, this phenomenon is called ischuria). This is due to the pressure of the urethra by the inflamed glands. If inflammation is allowed to develop, it engages the urethra, rectum, genitourinary system or provokes tumor development. After 30 years, all men need to be examined by a specialist every year.

Inflammation of the prostate causes very different symptoms of prostatitis. Symptoms of acute prostatitis can be severe and cause very strong general malaise; with chronic prostatitis, the symptoms are usually milder. Not every sick person must have all the special features of the disease, the severity of symptoms may vary depending on the condition of the body and other factors.

To protect himself from the onset of the disease, a man should avoid:

  • hypothermia;
  • unbalanced diet (excluding fried foods, canned foods, alcohol);
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • bad habits;
  • irregular sex life,
  • Frequent sexual erections without ejaculation.


special symptoms of prostatitis in men

The main symptom associated with local symptoms is pain. Naturally, they hurt, pull, explode or press. According to the sensation of pain in prostatitis in men, they are insignificant or strong, and they are always concentrated in the perineum, in the anal area or sacrum.

The cause of pain symptoms is irritation of the prostate gland by products of the inflammatory process. What are the other symptoms of prostatitis?


Pain may be accompanied by vaginal discharge. From the external opening of the urethra, the release of various levels of transparency, density and different colors, for example, concentrated milk white at the end of urination or defecation, often appears. In the chronic form, the patient may experience spermatorrhea - discharge of semen in small portions during bowel movements and muscle tension in the perineum.

Relief from prostatitis in men may be greenish purulent. They are also observed with slow disease, when composed of damaged epithelium, mucus, leukocytes. This type of discharge, the presence of symptoms of pain, chills and high body temperature indicates the transition of the disease to the acute form. If the sick person does not go to a urologist, the disease can provoke serious pathology: prostate sclerosis, infertility.

Symptoms of chronic prostatitis

The first symptoms of chronic prostatitis can be thought of as the appearance of discomfort, pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes in the lower back and hips. Sexual dysfunction occurs within a few days. At the end of intercourse, an excruciating pain may occur at the tip of the penis, which disappears on its own within minutes. Eventually, each urination begins to be accompanied by a burning sensation and pain, which gradually increases.

Symptoms of acute prostatitis in men

with signs of what prostatitis can be known in men

In this form, the disease is divided into catarrhal, follicular, purulent. In the first case, the symptoms of acute prostatitis in men are characterized by problems with urination, and the second is accompanied by pain in the scrotum and fever. In the third case, the disease manifests itself in the form of glandular abscesses and the strongest manifestations of all the above symptoms.

Treatment of prostatitis in men

The treatment process includes measures to eliminate inflammation and congestion in the prostate. Success depends on getting rid of them quickly. Treatment of prostatitis in men begins with a diagnosis, by identifying the root of the problem. The doctor will take a swab from the urethra and, if the result is positive, will prescribe antibiotic therapy. The duration of treatment depends on the degree of damage to the body and how effectively the existing symptoms disappear.

Young people get sick, in most cases, because of basic hypothermia. As a result, acute forms of the disease develop, to combat which antibiotic therapy is carried out. If prostatitis is provoked by stress, then the root of the disease is treated by a neurologist. In such cases, the doctor prescribes a relaxing massage, electrophoresis, and taking vitamins. Without eliminating the cause of the disease, it is impossible to get rid of it.

When symptoms of prostatitis and prostate adenoma appear, the following treatment mechanisms are applied:

  • Antibiotics are an important component in the treatment of infectious diseases. The composition of the drug should have a broad spectrum of action.
  • Alpha blockers may be prescribed to improve blood circulation, for rapid recovery of the prostate gland.
  • To restore the hormonal system, doctors may recommend taking hormone medications.
  • Relaxation of a muscle prescribed by a specialist will reduce tension in the muscular gland muscles.

Herbal remedies are often used in the treatment of complex prostatitis.

If the above method does not bring the required results, surgical intervention is used. Sometimes it becomes the only possible treatment.

Acute and chronic prostatitis syndrome in men can be treated with laser therapy. This method heals the acini (functional unit of the gland) and improves the patient's defenses. Chronic prostatitis can be treated with laser and medication. With severe forms of the disease without very clear signs, the laser helps the patient to improve his condition quickly: after two or three procedures, the pain disappears, the potential recovers completely.