Inflammation of the prostate gland, that is, the prostate, regardless of the cause of the disease, in general, becomes chronic. In order for the treatment of chronic prostatitis to be effective, one must know the cause of it.
Good health, dear readers. We continue to understand the problem of chronic prostatitis, its causes, symptoms and treatment options.
In this article, we will try to find out the best way to deal with this terrible disease, what options we have. Let us begin to analyze the most modern and most effective methods of treating prostatitis in men.
Causes of the onset and deterioration of the disease
Inflammatory disease of the genitourinary system, rectum, due to close contact with the prostate gland, causes the formation of inflammatory foci in it. The vessels that feed the prostate are the branches of the bladder artery, the rectum, the posterior sacral artery, and the inner thigh artery. Any infectious foci found in these organs can enter the gland.
The presence of chronic infections from any localization, for example, paranasal sinuses, causes weakened immunity, and conditional pathogenic microorganisms found on the skin, intestines, and urethra become pathogens. This leads to the development of chronic processes.
Circulatory disorders in the prostate gland due to blood stagnation against the background of reduced physical activity cause a decline in the supply of drugs to the prostate gland and complicate the treatment of chronic prostatitis in men.
Increased blood flow to organs located in the pelvis occurs not only due to low physical activity, but also from several factors:
- irregular sex life;
- sexual harassment;
- smoking, drinking alcohol;
- varicose veins in the lower leg;
- paraproctitis and proctitis;
- hemorrhoidal vein thrombophlebitis with a background of chronic hemorrhoids;
- anal fissures and fistulas;
- The tone of the vascular wall is regulated by the sympathetic and parasitic nervous systems, in case of disruption of inflow and outflow of blood from organs;
- perineum trauma on riders, cyclists, motorcyclists.
With sexually transmitted urogenital infections, the disease cannot be completely cured - this is the cause of the development of chronic prostatitis. The most common pathogens are:
- Trichomonas;
- mycoplasma;
- gonococci;
- gardnerellas;
- ureaplasma;
- klamidia;
- mushrooms;
- virus;
- Escherichia coli;
- streptococcus;
- enterococci;
- staphylococci.
These microorganisms are difficult to cure.
Hormonal activity after 40 years in a man gradually begins to fade. At first, it was not symptomatic.
Decreased testosterone production causes a slight stagnation of prostate secretion in the details. Little by little, this stagnation increased. The substance contained in prostate secretions is not completely removed. The secretory function, motor, inhibitory barrier of the prostate gland begins to suffer.
Citric acid in prostate juice performs bacterial functions, diluting it. When citric acid is not enough, bacterial infections begin to develop. The level of citric acid in prostate juice is directly related to the amount of testosterone in the blood.
Clinical description of the disease
Symptoms of chronic prostatitis in men:
- sensation of discomfort, pain in the pubis;
- pain erupts periodically into the rectum and sacrum;
- increased urination and pain, especially after hypothermia, stress;
- emissions are not special;
- ejaculatory disorders, erections;
- premature ejaculation;
- excessive sweating;
- sleep disorders;
- regular increase in body temperature not more than 37. 2-37. 3 in the afternoon.
Symptoms: pain, urinary disorders or sexual dysfunction - depending on the treatment of chronic prostatitis in men.
The main component of disease therapy
Is Chronic Prostatitis Treated?
You need to highlight the main areas of treatment:
- medicine
- ;
- normalization of work and rest regimes;
- rational nutrition;
- quit bad habits;
- physiotherapy, massage;
- folk medicine.
You need to treat not only with drugs, but also with the use of all methods in a complex way. It is not possible to give preference to one direction of prostatitis therapy.
Effective treatment of prostatitis should be directed to eliminate the cause of prostatitis. The drug is selected individually by the doctor after performing the necessary diagnostic tests. Let's seehow and how to treat prostatitis, if already in chronic form. Key indications of drug therapy:
- antibiotics;
- anti-inflammatory drugs;
- antispasmodics to increase urine flow;
- uroantiseptic for the elimination of urinary tract infections;
- drugs that increase arterial and venous blood flow;
- drugs that increase smoothness, reduce blood viscosity;
- vitamin;
- enzyme;
- sedative, psychotherapy effects;
- immune disorder correction;
- treatment of metabolic diseases and hormonal dysfunction.
Antibacterial therapy
Whether chronic prostatitis can be cured depends on a well-chosen antibiotic therapy. It is important to note that the therapy and treatment of prostatitis will be most effective only if the type and stage of the disease is properly determined.
Antibiotics are chosen as drugs that penetrate into the prostate, effectively acting as the causative agent of infection. Some chronic prostatitis pathogens, such as ureaplasma, are insensitive to strong drugs:
- tetracycline;
- some cephalosporins;
- some fluoroquinolones;
- some macrolides.
How to treat chronic prostatitis with antibiotics?
A group of antibacterial drugs used for the treatment ofbacterial prostatitis:
- Fluoroquinolones.
- Macrolide.
- Tetrasiklin.
- 5-nitroimidzole derivative.
- Cephalosporins generation 3-5.
- Lincosamines.
- Sulfonamida.
The course of treatment with one antibiotic is 7-10 days, depending on the test results. Without fail, during treatment with antibacterial agents, antifungal drugs are prescribed, agents that normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.
Overall, antibiotic therapy lasts from 2 to 4 weeks.
Antibiotic delivery route:
- orally in tablets;
- intramuscularly;
- intravenously;
- in the prostate;
- endolimatik.
The doctor will tell you what to treat and what antibiotics to use, based on examination data, examination:
- ultrasound;
- complete blood count;
- prostate secretion study;
- PCR;
- uroflowmetry.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
The effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are associated with normalization of vascular wall permeability, restoration of microcirculation. They reduce education and prevent the absorption of existing inflammatory mediators. Keep in mind the nature of NSAIDs to form boils in the stomach and duodenum.
How to cure chronic prostatitis without getting a stomach ulcer? Should be taken for the purpose of prevention of 1 proton pump inhibitor capsule in the evening.
It is considered most rational to use rectal suppositories with LPS.
Immunomodulators are used to correct immune disorders.
Drugs are prescribed by a doctor, the dose is chosen individually.
Non-specific resistance of an organism is normalized by vitamins and micronutrients.
Enzyme preparations increase the access of antibiotics and NSAIDs to the prostate, destroying the adhesions that are often present in chronic inflammatory processes.
In addition, enzymes have enough functions to stimulate immunity.
How to treat chronic prostatitis with alpha-adrenergic blockers?
This medicine is prescribed by your doctor for:
- Relieves cramps from the neck of the bladder, develops against a background of edema and inflammation.
- Increases urine flow, physiologically normalizes urination.
- To coordinate the muscles and sphincters of the bladder.
Normalization of blood flow with medication
Normal blood flow is achieved with sufficient arterial diameter to carry blood to the veins involved in oxygen-deficient blood outflow. It is also necessary to reduce blood viscosity and achieve good smoothness in the capillary bed.
To achieve good results in the treatment of chronic prostate disease, it is necessary to treatinflammatory diseases of the urethra, bladder and kidneys.
Prostatitis definitely reduces potency, weakens libido, stops erections. This phenomenon is always accompanied by symptoms of dysphoria, low background mood, mood swings. With these symptoms, they are prescribedsedatives, anxiety, antidepressants.
Methods of the influence of physiotherapy
The following methods for treating chronic processes are used to affect the prostate:
- ultrasound
- electrophoresis;
- bath with hot water with decoctions of chamomile, linden, sage, thyme;
- warm enema
- massage of the prostate gland through the rectum;
- hirudotherapy
- UHF;
- inductothermy;
- microwave resonance therapy.
Physiotherapy is contraindicated in patients with concomitant prostate adenoma.
The severity of psychological abnormalities and manifestations of depression depends on how much chronic prostatitis is treated. To speed up the process, if there are no contraindications, it is necessary to add methods of physiotherapeutic influence on treatment.
Diet Recommendations
Standard recommendations for all chronic diseases in the form of rejection for frying, salt, pepper, smoke in this condition are not enough. Effective treatment of prostatitis depends on a rational balanced diet. Need to add foods such as celery, ginger, turmeric, apiproduk to food.
They contain:
- silicone, which normalizes the formation of hormones in the body;
- Vitamin B, removes toxins and restores the redox process;
- chromium, germanium, selenium, zinc normalize the work of sympathetic and parasitic systems;
- vitamin C, A normalizes cell membrane permeability, has antioxidant properties;
- An essential amino acid, omega 3, that rejuvenates sexual function.
Forapitherapyused: natural honey, bee bread, podmore, royal jelly, dead bees, bee pollen.
Beekeeping products have the following effects:
- bacteria;
- fungus;
- bacteriostatic;
- tonic;
- antivirus;
- immunomodulatory effect.
Alternative Treatment
The course of treatment of chronic prostatitis must be complemented by medical ingredients, which should take into account all the mechanisms of disease development listed. Then the effect of therapy will be fully achieved.
The following medicinal herbs can be used:
- nettle, sage, bearberry;
- mint, banana, hernia;
- hip rose, yarrow, wormwood;
- thyme, birch buds, linden flowers;
- dried swamp, chamomile, motherwort.
Healing of chronic prostatitis depends on the use of long-term medicinal ingredients according to the scheme in combination with the course of anti-relapse drug therapy.
Used decoctions, infusions for ingestion, for baths, for microclysters. It is not recommended to use tincture, which is a drug containing alcohol. This prevents the successful treatment of chronic urogenital disease.
All these drugs have a good effect in the treatment of prostatitis with inflammatory, congestive, hormonal etiology.